Source code for rootski_backend_cdk.lambda_rest_api.stacks.lambda_rest_api

"""Stack defining an API Gateway mapping to a Lambda function with the FastAPI app."""

from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path

import aws_cdk as cdk
from aws_cdk import aws_apigateway as api_gateway
from aws_cdk import aws_certificatemanager as certificatemanager
from aws_cdk import aws_iam as iam
from aws_cdk import aws_lambda as lambda_
from aws_cdk import aws_route53 as route53
from aws_cdk import aws_route53_targets as route53_targets
from aws_cdk import aws_s3 as s3
from constructs import Construct


THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
ROOTSKI_LAMBDA_CODE_DIR = THIS_DIR / "../../../../../../../rootski_api"

# Must be the same version as in the fast api root path

[docs]class StackOutputs(str, Enum): """Stack output keys for the :py:class:`RootskiLambdaRestApiStack`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name api_gateway_url = "ApiGatewayUrl" subdomain = "ApiSubdomain"
[docs]class RootskiLambdaRestApiStack(cdk.Stack): """An API Gateway mapping to a Lambda function with the backend code inside.""" def __init__( self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs) #: lambda function containing the rootski FastAPI application code self.fast_api_function: lambda_.Function = self.make_fast_api_function() #: API Gateway that proxies all incoming requests to the fast_api_function self.lambda_rest_api = api_gateway.LambdaRestApi( self, "Rootski-Lambda-REST-API", handler=self.fast_api_function, description="Proxy to the Rootski FastAPI backend 'lambda-lith'.", domain_name=api_gateway.DomainNameOptions( certificate=certificatemanager.DnsValidatedCertificate( self, id="Rootski-Lambda-DNS-Validated-ACM-Cert", domain_name=API_SUBDOMAIN, hosted_zone=route53.HostedZone.from_lookup( self, id="Rootski-IO-Hosted-Zone", domain_name="" ), ), domain_name=API_SUBDOMAIN, ), ) #: DNS rule routing the ``API_SUBDOMAIN`` to the rootski API Gateway self.rootski_api_subdomain = route53.ARecord( self, id="Rootski-IO-API-Gateway-A-Record", zone=route53.HostedZone.from_lookup( self, id="Rootski-IO-API-Gateway-HostedZone", domain_name="", ), target=route53.RecordTarget.from_alias(route53_targets.ApiGateway(self.lambda_rest_api)), record_name=API_SUBDOMAIN, ) #: VPC Endpoint allowing the lambda function to access AWS SSM without leaving the VPC # self.ssm_vpc_endpoint = SsmVpcEndpoint( # self, # "SSM-VPC-Endpoint" # ) cdk.CfnOutput( self, id=StackOutputs.subdomain.value, value=API_SUBDOMAIN, description=f"Map {self.lambda_rest_api} to the URL of the API Gateway", export_name=StackOutputs.subdomain.value, ) cdk.CfnOutput( scope=self, value=self.lambda_rest_api.url, description="ARN of bucket for database backups.", id=StackOutputs.api_gateway_url.value, export_name=StackOutputs.api_gateway_url.value, )
[docs] def make_fast_api_function(self) -> lambda_.Function: """ Create a lambda function with the FastAPI app. To prepare the python depencies for the lambda function, this stack will essentially run the following command: .. code:: bash docker run \ --rm \ -v "path/to/rootski_api:/assets_input" \ -v "path/to/cdk.out/asset.<some hash>:/assets_output" \ lambci/lambda:build-python3.8 \ /bin/bash -c "... several commands to install the requirements to /assets_output ..." The reason for using docker to install the requirements is because the "lambci/lambda:build-pythonX.X" image uses the same underlying operating system as is used in the real AWS Lambda runtime. This means that python packages that rely on compiled C/C++ binaries will be compiled correctly for the AWS Lambda runtime. If we did not do it this way, packages such as pandas, numpy, psycopg2-binary, asyncpg, sqlalchemy, and others relying on C/C++ bindings would not work when uploaded to lambda. We use the ``lambci/*`` images instead of the images maintained by AWS CDK because the AWS CDK images were failing to correctly install C/C++ based python packages. An extra benefit of using ``lambci/*`` over the AWS CDK images is that the ``lambci/*`` images are in docker hub so they can be pulled without doing any sort of ``docker login`` command before executing this script. The AWS CDK images are stored in which requires a ``docker login`` command to be run first. """ # create a bucket to cache the morphemes.json object morphemes_json_bucket = s3.Bucket( self, id="Rootski-Backend-Cache-Bucket", removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, ) fast_api_function = lambda_.Function( self, "Rootski-FastAPI-Lambda", timeout=cdk.Duration.seconds(30), memory_size=512, runtime=lambda_.Runtime.PYTHON_3_8, handler="index.handler", code=lambda_.Code.from_asset( path=str(ROOTSKI_LAMBDA_CODE_DIR), bundling=cdk.BundlingOptions( # learn about this here: # # Using this lambci image makes it so that dependencies with C-binaries compile correctly for the lambda runtime. # The AWS CDK python images were not doing this. Relevant dependencies are: pandas, asyncpg, and psycogp2-binary. image=cdk.DockerImage.from_registry(image="lambci/lambda:build-python3.8"), command=[ "bash", "-c", "mkdir -p /asset-output" + "&& pip install -r ./aws-lambda/requirements.txt -t /asset-output" + "&& pip install . -t /asset-output" + "&& cp -r ./src/rootski/resources /asset-output/rootski/resources/" # TODO: Check that this works + "&& cp aws-lambda/ /asset-output" + "&& rm -rf /asset-output/boto3 /asset-output/botocore", ], ), ), environment={ "ROOTSKI__FETCH_VALUES_FROM_AWS_SSM": "true", "ROOTSKI__ENVIRONMENT": "prod", # /tmp is the only writable location in the lambda file system "ROOTSKI__STATIC_ASSETS_DIR": "/tmp", "ROOTSKI__OBJECT_CACHE_BUCKET_NAME": morphemes_json_bucket.bucket_name, }, ) # allow lambda to access the Dynamodb rootski-dynamodb-table fast_api_function.role.attach_inline_policy( policy=iam.Policy( self, id="Allow-Lambda-Full-Access-To-DynamoDB", statements=[ iam.PolicyStatement( effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW, resources=[ "arn:aws:dynamodb:{region}:{account}:table/rootski*".format( region=cdk.Stack.of(self).region, account=cdk.Stack.of(self).account, ) ], actions=[ "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:BatchGetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:CreateBackup", ], ) ], ) ) morphemes_json_bucket.grant_read_write(fast_api_function) # allow lambda to perform GetParametersByPath operation on the /rootski* parameters fast_api_function.role.attach_inline_policy( policy=iam.Policy( self, id="Allow-Lambda-Access-To-SSM-Params", statements=[ iam.PolicyStatement( effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW, resources=[ "arn:aws:ssm:{region}:{account}:parameter/rootski*".format( region=cdk.Stack.of(self).region, account=cdk.Stack.of(self).account, ) ], actions=["ssm:Get*"], ) ], ) ) fast_api_function.role.add_managed_policy( policy=iam.ManagedPolicy.from_managed_policy_arn( self, id="Allow-Lambda-To-Connect-To-Lightsail-VPC-via-VPC-Peering", managed_policy_arn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole", ) ) return fast_api_function