Functions for reading secrets from AWS secrets manager.
Fetch an AWS secrets manager secret by its ID. |
Send a GET secret request with boto3 and return the response. |
- rootski_backend_cdk.common.secrets.get_secret_response_by_secret_id(secret_id: str, region: Optional[str] = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]#
Send a GET secret request with boto3 and return the response.
- Parameters
secret_id – the secret ID or ARN of the secret to retrieve
- Returns
object of the form
{ "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:xxx:secret:my-test-secret-str-k4sx86", "Name": "my-test-secret-str", "VersionId": "490a3ce1-c3d1-496a-b65e-cde9b8a7631c", "SecretString": "test-secret-str", "VersionStages": ["AWSCURRENT"], "CreatedDate": "datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 26, 21, 35, 32, 273000, tzinfo=tzlocal())", "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "64163213-1f39-430a-9ad2-816983695e51", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders": {"date": "Sat, 27 Feb 2021 05:56:38 GMT", "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "262", "connection": "keep-alive", "x-amzn-requestid": "64163213-1f39-430a-9ad2-816983695e51"}, "RetryAttempts": 0 } }