Source code for

Logic for authenticating incoming requests.

The code heavily borrows from this article:
from typing import List, Optional

import httpx
from jose import JWTError, jwk, jwt
from jose.utils import base64url_decode
from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel

from rootski.config.config import ANON_USER, Config
from rootski.errors import AuthServiceError
from import Service

[docs]class JsonWebKey(BaseModel): """ Learn about Cognito JWKs here: """ kid: str # key ID kty: str class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs]class JsonWebKeySet(BaseModel): keys: List[JsonWebKey] class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs]class AuthService(Service): _jwks: Optional[JsonWebKeySet] = None @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): return cls(cognito_public_keys_url=config.cognito_public_keys_url) def __init__(self, cognito_public_keys_url: str): """Abstraction layer around verifying tokens.""" self.__cognito_public_keys_url = cognito_public_keys_url def init(self):"Fetching Cognito Keys") self._jwks = get_jwks(self.__cognito_public_keys_url)"Fetched these keys: {str(self._jwks.json())}") def token_is_valid(self, token: str) -> bool: if not self._jwks: raise AuthServiceError("The auth service is not initialized. Did you call .init()?") if not token_is_well_formed(token=token): return False"Validating token: {token}") return jwt_is_valid(token, self._jwks)
[docs] def get_token_email(self, token: str) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieve the email from the token, or return the anonymous user.""""token {token}") if not token_is_well_formed(token): error_msg = ( f"Got this error while getting the 'email' from the JWT token {str(e)}" + f"\n\nToken: {str(token)}" ) logger.error(error_msg) raise AuthServiceError("Error, JWT token is not wellformed. See logs for details.") return jwt.get_unverified_claims(token).get("email", ANON_USER)
[docs]def token_is_well_formed(token: str) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the token can be decoded without verifying the signature.""" try: jwt.get_unverified_claims(token) jwt.get_unverified_headers(token) except JWTError: return False return True
[docs]def get_jwks(jwk_url: str) -> JsonWebKeySet: response = httpx.get(jwk_url) return JsonWebKeySet(**response.json())
[docs]def get_token_jwk(token: str, jwks: JsonWebKeySet) -> Optional[JsonWebKey]: """Return the Cognito public key whose ID matches the key ID in the token header. If our Cognito user pool does not have a matching key, return ``None``... we're not going to be able to authenticate this token. :( Args: token: JWT token from the header of an incoming request jwks: Json Web Keys corresponding to our Cognito user pool """ try: token_kid = jwt.get_unverified_header(token).get("kid") except JWTError as e: logger.error(f"Got this error while getting the email from the JWT token {str(e)}") raise AuthServiceError("Error while getting email from JWT claims. See logs for details.") for key in jwks.keys: if key.kid == token_kid: return key
[docs]def jwt_is_valid(token: str, jwks: JsonWebKeySet) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the jwt ``token`` was signed by our Cognito user pool identity server.""" token_jwk: Optional[JsonWebKey] = get_token_jwk(token, jwks) if not token_jwk: raise AuthServiceError( "No public key found! Did you call AuthService.init()? Are the Cognito config values right?" ) hmac_key = jwk.construct(token_jwk.dict()) message, encoded_signature = token.rsplit(".", 1) decoded_signature = base64url_decode(encoded_signature.encode()) return hmac_key.verify(message.encode(), decoded_signature)