Source code for rootski.schemas.russian

from typing import List, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel, StrictInt, conint

from rootski.schemas.morpheme import MORPHEME_TYPE_ENUM, MORPHEME_TYPE_NULL

[docs]class Meaning(BaseModel): meaning: str
[docs]class BreakdownItem(BaseModel): # id of morpheme in backend database; null if not an actual morpheme morpheme_id: Optional[int] # morpheme text morpheme: str # position of morpheme in word position: StrictInt type: MORPHEME_TYPE_ENUM # type of morpheme; null if not an actual morpheme # family which the morpheme is a member of family_id: Optional[StrictInt] # description="level 1-6 of how common/difficult the root is; 6 is uncommon and/or difficult", level: int = conint( gt=0, lt=7, ) meanings: List[Meaning] # descriptions of what the root means # comma separated string of other morpheme variants in the family family: Optional[str]
[docs]class SubDefinition(BaseModel): sub_def_id: int # definition id of the sub definition in the backend database sub_def_position: int # position of the subdefinition with in the whole definition definition: str # body of the definition notes: Optional[str] # extra notes (sometimes in russian) about the subdefinition; often not present
[docs]class Definition(BaseModel): definition_id: int # definition id in backend database def_position: int # position of main definition sub_defs: List[SubDefinition]
if __name__ == "__main__": breakdown_item = BreakdownItem( morpheme_id=1, morpheme="привет", position=0, type=MORPHEME_TYPE_NULL, family_id=1, level=1.1, meanings=[Meaning(meaning="hello")], # family="привет, приветствие", ) from pprint import pprint pprint(breakdown_item.json(exclude_unset=True))