Dependencies for the endpoints.
The goal is to create all dependencies using a Config class
so that the app can be configured differently for testing and production.
from typing import Optional
import rootski.services.database.dynamo.models as dynamo_models
from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Request, Security
from fastapi.security import HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, HTTPBearer
from loguru import logger
from rootski.config.config import ANON_USER
from rootski.schemas import Services
from rootski.services.database.dynamo.actions.user import UserNotFoundError, get_user, register_user
from rootski.services.database.dynamo.db_service import DBService as DynamoDBService
from rootski.services.database.dynamo.models2schemas.user import dynamo_to_pydantic__user
from rootski import schemas
# --- FastAPI Dependencies --- #
[docs]async def filter_valid_token(
request: Request, credentials: HTTPAuthorizationCredentials = Security(HTTPBearer(auto_error=False))
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return the token if it is valid, otherwise return None. None is taken to be the anon user."""
if credentials:
token: str = credentials.credentials
app_services: Services = request.app.state.services
if not app_services.auth.token_is_valid(token):
logger.error(f'Got malformed token "{str(token)}".')
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Authorization token is invalid. See logs for details.")
return token
return None
[docs]async def get_authorized_user_email_or_anon(request: Request, token: str = Depends(filter_valid_token)) -> str:
:raises AuthServiceError: if the token is not wellformed
app_services: Services = request.app.state.services
if not token or token.strip() == "":
return ANON_USER
return app_services.auth.get_token_email(token)
[docs]async def get_current_user(
request: Request, email: str = Depends(get_authorized_user_email_or_anon)
) -> schemas.User:
"""Retrieve the data of the current user from the database."""
services: Services = request.app.state.services
dynamo: DynamoDBService = services.dynamo
if email == ANON_USER:
return schemas.User(email=ANON_USER, is_admin=False)
# try to fetch the user's information in case they are already registered
current_user_in_db: Optional[dynamo_models.User] = None
current_user_in_db: dynamo_models.User = get_user(email=email, db=dynamo)
except UserNotFoundError:
# If the current user isn't registered, register them. They've only made
# it this far it they authenticated with cognito and have a signed JWT
# token with their email in it.
current_user: Optional[schemas.User] = None
if current_user_in_db:
current_user_dynamo_model: dynamo_models.User = get_user(email=email, db=dynamo)
current_user: schemas.User = dynamo_to_pydantic__user(dynamo_user=current_user_dynamo_model)
register_user(email=email, is_admin=False, db=dynamo)
current_user = schemas.User(email=email, is_admin=False)
return current_user
# def get_graphql_context(
# request: Request,
# db: Session = Depends(get_async_session),
# user: schemas.User = Depends(get_current_user),
# ) -> RootskiGraphQLContext:
# """Prepare the context object used by GraphQL resolvers."""
# return RootskiGraphQLContext(
# request=request,
# session=db,
# user=user,
# )