Knowledge Base#

russian word broken into roots

build codecov

Contributors ✨#

rootski is developed by volunteers! This emoji key labels the different types of contributions.

Links to everyone’s personal sites are on the GitHub README 🙂.

Isaac Robbins

💻 🚇

Josh Abrahamsen


Eric Riddoch

🧑‍🏫 💻

Ryan Gardner


Joe Drapeau


Ethan Walker


Isaac Z Tai


Adam Lenning


What is rootski?#

rootski is an open-source, full-stack AI application for learning Russian.

The three reasons for open-sourcing the rootski project are to:

  1. make development faster and more fun.

  2. create a public reference anyone can see of an production-grade A.I. application made with the absolute best industry practices.


    If you’d like to see how rootski is built, check out the Architecture & Tech Stack.

  3. offer mentorship and real-world experience to contributors at any experience level that are hard to simulate on a solo personal project–whether that be in

    • full-stack development

    • deploying software in AWS

    • developing data science models and “shipping” them

    • UI/UX

    • DevOps

    • MLOps

    • … anything else that goes into making a A.I. application with a large user base 😃.


    If you would like to contribute, welcome 🎉 🎉!! Any experience level is welcome as long as you are willing to learn. Check out the onboarding page get started.